Angkor What?

Okok, long story short. I joined up with my friend Mark in Bangkok. We spent a few days and got on a bus that took us to Cambodia and the town of Siem Reap. Siem Reap isn't my favorite place, at all. Everything is focused on tourism and getting as much money out of you as possible. That and poverty, drugs and prostitusion. BUT, there is one upside - The temples.

After that we got on a bus that took us to the capial - Pnom Pehn. Phnom Pehn has been a breeze. Lots of stuff to do and nice people to meet. We also visited the S-21 prison and The Killing fields, not a happy experience but educational and awakening.
Lots of love, tomorrow we leave for Saigon, Vietnam!

ChiangMai The Movie

Hade inget battre for oss, sa jag och Frida komponerade ihop en film med massa skojs som vi haft for oss i Chiang Mai (Norra Thailand).
Hope you enjoy it!

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